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ConnectPay for Business

ConnectPay for Business

Banking services and financial management always were under the evolutions and changes in different periods of time and also with the different difficulties in the life of people. Today we need to accept that online platforms slowly took the place of traditional ways of banking and financial services all around the world. However, currently, the new ideas and services can gain more followers and become more popular among people in different regions. In this short article, we will write about ConnectPay, one of the powerful and famous online platforms that are providing banking and financial services for businesses around the world.

ConnectPay’s Way of Banking

Today, different businesses and companies are making more than 320 thousand transactions per month with this platform. The monthly trading volume with this banking service is more than 828 million euros per month and ConnectPay is providing services for more than 167 countries around the world. To create an account on this platform, customers shortly need to answer three questions that will allow them to be qualified to use all services for their company. These questions are connected to the type of industry, location of the company, and the number of employees that are working. Should be noted that users will be able to access their funds from everywhere, in any time, 24 hours, and every day. ConnectPay is allowing companies to open IBAN accounts on this platform with multi-currency ability. It is worth mentioning that ConnectPay is regulated and licensed by the Central Bank of Lithuania and under the European Union financial law; in this case, the safety and security of this platform are already approved.

ConnectPay Business Account

Shortly to say, the Businesses can open IBAN accounts on this platform whether they are based in EEA or not. With a simple account, companies will be able to send, save and receive money in different currencies and have easy access to their funds anytime and from anywhere. Should be noted that in the ConnectPay official site, it is clearly pointed out the necessary fees that companies are required to pay to process their application, monthly fees, and monthly protection fees. Also, industries with the help of the ConnectPay platform will be able to check and control the current balance, transactions, and all payment details. Additionally, this platform is allowing customers to order physical business cards and use all mentioned services in offline format too. In this case, customers will be able to access the cash by withdrawing funds from any ATMs and also make transactions and receive money.


Online platforms like ConnectPay that is providing special services for different businesses and companies around the world, is helping the industries to improve and become better. However, with the daily updates and improvements all over the world, this platform will need to offer new services for staying in the range of competition with other platforms and payment services.